The Greek lobby and its supporters in Congress have introduced two new resolutions, H. Res. 486 and S. Res. 169. These resolutions are inaccurate and we must educate our members of Congress about the true motive behind Greece's "name dispute."
We urge Macedonian-Americans and friends of Macedonia to contact your member of Congress NOW and urge him/her NOT to co-sponsor and VOTE AGAINST these resolutions.
UMD also urges all Macedonian-Americans to contact their community organizations and take the lead to activate the Macedonian-American grassroots by visiting members of Congress and their staff in their district offices with small groups and raise their concerns and objections on the issue. UMD is here to provide guidance to your local initiatives. Factual information, such as articles and other documents on the subject of Macedonian-Greek relations can be found on UMD's website