Screening of "James Baldwin / From Another Place“
Followed by a Panel Discussion, June 24, 2020, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
"I can't breathe, I have to look from outside." These were the words of American novelist and civil rights activist James Baldwin to Turkish drama critic Zeynep Oral in the 1960s on his rationale for going into self-exile to Istanbul, Turkey.
As part of its African American – Turkish Connections through the Arts series, TCA, in collaboration with the Gay Professional Men of Color (GPMC) and the United Kingdom Foreign Office Lesbian and Gay Group (FLAGG) will be hosting a screening of Sedat Pakay's short documentary, "James Baldwin / From Another Place” via Zoom.
After the film, there will be a roundtable discussion with GPMC Member Rashaun Bennett, Virginia State Delegate Joshua Cole (28th District), and British Embassy Support Officer Dave Francis. GPMC Member Jamir Smith will be the evening's moderator.
The event will be held Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 5:30 – 7:00 pm EST.
RSVP: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsd-yqrTMqGdLS3bp9UCPesZO3cwViW05O
After registering, participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the forum. You may send questions for the discussion prior to the event to Lawrence Cenk Laws at lclaws@tc-america.org. Baldwin wrote several novels while in Istanbul, including Another Country (1962), The Fire Next Time (1963), and No Name in the Street (1973). These literary works highlight the struggles faced by African-Americans during the height of the civil rights movement. Even after 60 years, Baldwin's call for social activism and political engagement hold the same resonance and weight, especially today. In the documentary, Pakay chronicles Baldwin's impressions of Turkey and the world as a transnational African-American intellectual.
For more information on the documentary, please click here: www.sedatpakay.com/james-baldwin-from-another-place Background on James Baldwin's decade in Turkey: www.trtworld.com and www.washingtonpost.com