Jason Epstein, Pajamas Media, April 24, 2008
Despite years of generous American financial assistance, Armenia’s economy remains in a shambles. Corruption is endemic — the public believes that most wealth created in recent years has only benefited the oligarchs — unemployment is high, and the prices of basic necessities continue to rise. It is no wonder that the country’s population keeps declining — the most recent Central Intelligence Agency estimate was just under three million, a 15% drop since 1994.
Armenia is a troubled nation
List of Articles on the Turkish-Armenian Question
Triumph in Defeat: Inaugurating a New Era for Azerbaijan and Armeniaread more
Miatsum and the Bewildering Russian Role in Karabakhread more
The Turkish Armenian Historical Controversy: How to Name the Events of 1915read more
Lord Curzon’s exasperation towards the ethnic cleansing policy carried out bread more
The Armenian Forced Relocation: Putting An End To Misleading Simplificationsread more
“Proving” a “Crime against Humanity”?read more
A Bad Day In The BundestagJeremy Salt, Center For Eurasian Studies...read more
Not recognizing the Armenian genocide is a triumph for common senseread more
The fallacies of the Armenian nationalist narrativeread more
Perincek vs SwitzerlandFreedom of expression has already won th...read more
The Accusation of Genocide...read more
Armenian Issue As Reflected In Russian Archival Recordsread more
The Lemkin Hole In The Swiss CaseWhen Raphael Lemkin coined the word geno...read more
Abraham Foxman’s good nameIt is shocking that Abraham Foxman, the ...read more
Remembering Kemal Arikan (1927-1982)On January 28, 1982 two Armenian gunmen ...read more
Orientalism: 'Terrible Turk' becomes a 'genocidal Turk'read more
TCA Responds to President Obama’s Armenian Remembrance Day Statementread more
Religious Ceremony Held at Historical Armenian Church in Turkeyread more
Armenian President's Belligerent Remarks Draw Turkey’s Ireread more
TCA Response to President Obama's Statementread more
Why Congress Should Not Legislate HistoryMichael M. Gunter, April 8, 2011 On M...read more
Armenians in Ottoman BureaucracyArmenians held key positions in Ottoman ...read more
Tarihsel Gerçekler ve Uluslararası Hukuk Işığında Ermeni Soykırımı İread more
Amb. Elekdağ Calls Upon President Obama to Respect Law on Genocideread more
Legislating HistoryYilmaz Arguden, October 24, 2006 Rece...read more
President Obama's StatementApril 24, 2009, Washington, DC - Preside...read more
154 Retired Turkish Ambassadors Write to Speaker Pelosi read more
Will Untapped Ottoman Archives Reshape the Armenian Debate?read more
Rep. Frank Pallone and the "Armenian Genocide Resolution"read more
Professor questions ethnic conflictMatthew Rist, The GW Hatchet, February 2...read more
Money spent by the Armenian Lobby in America (USA/ Armenia)read more
Buying PoliciesMichael van der Galien, PoliGazette, Aug...read more
The freedom of historical debate is under attack by the memory policeread more
Book review: The Armenian Genocide: Cultural and Ethical Legaciesread more
U.S. H.RES. 106: Factual and Legal Deficienciesread more
A Scrutiny of Akcam's Version of History and the Armenian Genocideread more
Turkish Armenian RelationsNursen Mazici, Radikal Daily, June 30, 2...read more
Armenia is a troubled nationJason Epstein, Pajamas Media, April 24, ...read more
Armenian Terrorism: History as Poison and Antidoteread more
Reader comment on: "Lévy To Speak On Islamism, Genocide"read more
The History LessonNational Review Online, October 17, 2007...read more
Westerners on the Armenian Strategy and Rebellionread more
Report of Captian Niles and Mr. Arthur E. Sutherland Jr.read more
ADL and the TurksJoel J. Sprayregen Chicago, The Jerusale...read more
No Armenian GenocideBernard Lewis, National Press Club, Augu...read more
Bernard Lewis Distinguishes Armenian Case from Holocaustread more
Anatolia 1915:Turks Died, TooJustin McCarthy, The Boston Globe, April...read more
Let Historians Decide on So-called Genocideread more
Turkey's new envoy says genocide bill impedes reconciliationread more
Turkey's War on the TruthRichard Cohen, Washington Post, October ...read more
Partisan Politics and Democrats' Turkey Problemread more
Why We Are Losing TurkeyTony Blankley Real Clear Politics, Octob...read more
Genocide claims against Turkey frivolousThomas Goltz Missoulian News Online, Oct...read more
Congress and ArmeniaTayyip Erdogan, PM of Turkey, The Wall S...read more
Armenian genocide measure is misguidedBruce Fein, San Francisco Chronicle, Oct...read more
Armenian debacleTulin Daloglu, Washington Times, October...read more
History Speaks: The moral case against the Armenian Genocide Resolutionread more
Judgment Time: Should America recognize an Armenian Genocide?read more
Armenian Story has Another SideNorman Stone,Chicago Tribune, October 16...read more
U.S. can calm a ruffled TurkeyThe Christian Monitor, October 17, 2007 ...read more
Pointless Moral Exhibitionism on TurkeyRich Lowry,The National Review, October ...read more
Stirring up the past, jeopardizing the futureread more
Armenia Crime Amnesia?Bruce Fein, The Washington Times, Oct 16...read more
Secretary of State PelosiThe Wall Street Journal, October 16, 200...read more
Turkey in the crosshairsThe Washington Times, October 15, 2007 ...read more
Tawdry Genocide TaleBruce Fein, Washington Times, September ...read more
This wasn't GenocideShlomo Bar-Meir, Jerusalem Post, Septemb...read more
Letter to Abraham H. Foxman, ADL of B'Nai B'Rithread more
Why America Should Build Bridges to TurkeyLiz Peek, July 3, 2007 The Turks are...read more
Statement by Professor Norman StoneNorman Stone, August 23, 2007 I am wr...read more
Re: Truth and Consequences: Armenians, Turks and Jewsread more
Let's Unearth the Truth About what happened in 1915 togetherread more
Turkish ambassador: "Give all sides a hearing"read more
Judgment Time:Should America recognize an Armenian Genocide?read more
Norman Stone: 'There is No Armenian Genocide'read more
New Scholarship Disputes Armenian "Genocide" Narrativeread more